Category Topics

PAT Events

This is where we will list PAT Events info.

Fireworks Building

This category is for discussing building of fireworks.

Member Lead Group Buys

This Category is for promoting Member Lead group buys to the rest of the membership. To keep the category clean, completed group buys will be removed periodically. Please do not post group buys not lead by a member of PAT.

Fireworks Jobs

Post your Fireworks Job here. Are you hiring or looking for seasonal crew. Make a post here and let people know how to reach you.

Member Sale/Trade

List your items you want to sell or trade. Posts in this category will be deleted from time to time, as they are likely finished or sold out.

Directors & Officers (D&O)

A category to discuss PAT leadership - Directors & Officers. This category is open to all to view but you need to be a member to post or reply.