(Backyard Shooter)Firelinx PyroFest Display Opportunity


Hey PAT Members,

I was approached by Firelinx Firing Systems for an opportunity to advertise to our members by sponsoring a display at an up coming PyroFest.

Here is the pitch:
Firelinx wants to work with a backyard shooter to put on a display at PyroFest. The shooter would provide product for the display and Firelinx would offset the cost of product by gifting the shooter their gear of comparable value. Firelinx would also work directly with the shooter to train and help program the display. At the event they would like to also work with the shooter to explain how everything and show it off to the members

If this sounds interesting in this opportunity, please leave a comment and I can put you in contact with Firelinx and plan for the display at an up coming PyroFest.

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My husband and I shoot small shows occasionally, so we’re interested. I’ve got my FPO, FEO, and SEO, so we can handle proximate audience shows. Let me know what we need to do next. Thanks!

Hi Kathlene,
The hope is to do a display at either Spring or Fall PyroFest this year. I’m going to send you a PM with my contact. Could you give me a call Monday of next week? We can talk about what I think we should aim for and I’ll start a conversation between you and Firelinx as well. Hopefully the three of us can get on the same page and make this all work.