PAT Chems Group Buy for PGI

This is the pricelist from Karl. We can gather up our order for PGI pick up.

I’m finding it difficult to get good answers from Karl (the supplier). It seems that the product is only broken down to less than drum quantities based on how many people have orders waiting to be filled and some product IS or IS NOT available based on who is talking to him. It also seems like we won’t hit the discount cut offs needed for LARGE discounts to offset much of the shipping cost.

Karl is kind of a shade tree sales man. If you know what you want and are willing to buy it by the drum, he can get it to you quick 7-10 days, the ordering is easy, and he is cheaper than others. But, when I ask about delivery date of an order that isn’t all drums, I get the answer “Who knows when it will ship”.

If you want to order from Karl, Give me a Call at 214-789-5248 by 5/21/21 and you can piggy back my order for PGI.

Quantity Discounts Levels: (to get these discounts at PGI the quantities are double or more)
Potassium Perchlorate $2.50 per pound @ 9 drums ordered (about 10% discount)
Aluminum (Indian Blackhead) $5.50 per pound @ 10 drums (about 27% discount)
Potassium Nitrate (KNO3) $40 a bag @ 5 bags (30% discount)
Sulfur $40 a bag @ 5 bags (60% discount)

Large Sponge Titanium costs have sky rocketed to above $15 per lb to Karl, so he hasn’t reordered it.

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Would you be able to find out what kind of charcoal he has?

So I was wanting to place an order for 40 pounds of perchlorate, and 12 lbs Aluminum powder and 1 lb Titanium.

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It is maple charcoal, It is what is used in the German BP. It is a Hardwood Charcoal, like Oak which is also common.

From my understanding, Eastern Red Cedar, Willow are Fast/Hot, Hardwoods are Medium/Moderate, and Pine is Slow. So if you want long burning sparks go with pine, Lift and break Hardwood, and rockets lift and break ERC and Willow. But, a good pyro can make them all work for him.

Any quantity discount on charcoal?

A post was split to a new topic: Discussing different types of charcoal

Not that I know of right now.

I’m also going to update the main post with a cut off time of May 19th. So we have a limit to ponder.

So I’m changing this to a PGI group order. I’m finding it difficult to get shipping and availability info from Karl. So I’m willing to offer pick up at PGI and bring back to Texas after.

Pgi is a long way out, well we have an updated product list closer to the event or is this a buy now to reserve pick up deal?

Hey Guys,

I’m finding it difficult to get good answers from Karl (the supplier). It seems that the product is only broken down to less than drum quantities based on how many people have orders waiting to be filled and some product IS or IS NOT available based on who is talking to him. It also seems like we won’t hit the discount cut offs needed for LARGE discounts to offset much of the shipping cost.

Karl is kind of a shade tree sales man. If you know what you want and are willing to buy it by the drum, he can get it to you quick 7-10 days, the ordering is easy, and he is cheaper than others. But, when I ask about delivery date of an order that isn’t all drums, I get the answer “Who knows when it will ship”.

If you want to order from Karl, Give me a Call at 214-789-5248 by 5/21/21 and you can piggy back my order for PGI.

@ChrisG I’m not expecting an updated chems list.

Do we have a qty commitments so far, are we even close? I’m interested in a drum of aluminum & a drum of perc. But the discounted price would make it easier to swallow.

Not Super Close,
Orders so far:
PAT 2 drums aluminum, 4 drums Potassium perc.
Nick P is in for 1 drum 325 MgAL, 2 Drums Potassium perc
Ken 1 drum aluminum, 1 drum Potassium perc
Tim 40 lb Potassium Perc, 12 lb Aluminum, 1 lb Ferro Ti -60 +325

Aluminum 3 drums + 12lbs
Potassium 7 drums + 40lbs
325 MgAL 1 drum
Ferro Ti -60 +325 1 lb

Is the aluminum being ordered the India Blackhead?

Yes, Indian black head.

I would like 70 lbs of perchlorate and a 32 lb bucket of aluminum.

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Cool, Tomorrow is the last day to join the group buy. I’ll get in contact with everyone on Monday about payment.

I would like 40 lbs of ammonium nitrate, if possible.

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NIck, If you can get the ammonium nitrate, I would get 100 lbs instead of the 40 lbs. Also. I will need another 5 lbs of aluminum, if you get the ammonium nitrate.

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